Penguin play awards & snow party!

Hey every one! The two big party’s are up!!!And  guess what every one can vote non member or member you can still vote out side the stage you. Vote for the best play, best costume, best music, best effects, and best set 😀 !:

If your a member or nonmember try clicking the cam’s see what they do;) :


If your a member and can go inside, you can wach a little video on each of the plays!! Try it! 😉


Go back stage to get the penguin award!


there is a new catalog for the play go see it! there is also some stuff hidden can you find them all? Hint: there is about one on every page!

penguin_play_hidden penguin_play_hidden2  penguin_play_hidden31

The snow party is sadly only on one side of the iland 😥 but you can still have fun and see if you get picked to have yours there! There are 5 new snow sculpture every week for 3 weeks, so see if yours got picked!?!  Right now the 5 sculpture’s for this week are at: 

The beacon


The Ski village


The beach


The dock


The light house


and when you see this:


That is were new one next week and the week after that will be 🙂

don’t for get that there is also a new igloo catalog!Here are the new hidden items!


And there is a kool new igloo, go see it!

Have fun at all the party’s!


P.S aunt artic and others are around the island, see if you can find them!Hint: mostly there in the stage/ back stage

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