~christmas News~

It’s almost here! The x-mas party is tomorrow and chistmas is a week away from today! christmasd 
 This party will be really special since it will be the last party of the year 2008! Also it might be the biggest!

here is this weeks Classified Secret!


Also try dancing with the pizza or coffee shop apron also with the duck and the cake apron also. There are a lot see if u can find them all!

This years Chirstmas Igloo contest starts tomorrow and will end on the 29th.As you’re getting ready to celebrate don’t forget members to get your igloo ready cuz u may never know you could win!


 There will be 10 Grand Prize (25,000 coins each!) and 10 Runner-Up (10,000 coins each) winners selected during the party. Judges will look for creativity and originality, so use your imagination as you decorate! Winners will be announced in the Jan 1st newspaper

If you don’t have the pin that’s hidden right now, today is your last chance to find it. the pin right now is in the petshop, But will not be there any more tomorrow.


Also If you havnt gave any money to coins for change its not to late, coins for change will be ending the 22nd and the results will be announced on the25th and we’ll find out how much of the $1,000 will go to wich cause


Happy new year! Club penguin is having a new years party and it will start on the 26th the day after christmas.


I will be having two partys one will be a christmas party and will be in the dance club and town


if u can’t read it this is what is says-

were- dance club and town

suver- Ice cold

when- 12/21/08

Time-3:00pm PST (6:00 pm easter time)

Dont forget to ware chistmasy stuff to the party!

my other party will be a new years party i will have more on that party later for you.

Happy holidays!

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