Calling all agents!(And party people!)

If you are an agent then u have got this message by G (G is short for Gary if u didnt know)-

You may have asked urself what does it say?? You can go to the HQ and look it up in THE F.I.S.H(Factual Informative Spy Handbook) on the 12 and 13 pages if u dont know how to use it then read about it and try the one on that page for help. P.S it saids “You are being called in for a specal assignment please report to HQ(Head Quarters) as soon as possible.” all it means is that they what the penguins to know about the new mission and that its out.

If you have read the Cp news paper u will see that there are going to be two new partys coming this month so get out your partying hats and clothes and get ready to party!!!In the news paper you will see these two updates on partys!! the anniversary party will by in the town NOT the coffee shop sorry.i will have more information about the two partys later. (P.s.s be on the look out for my frist party at the anniversary party more information and dates i will give later)


and this one also the halloween party will start the 29 and go to the 2nd

hope you can come to the partys later!

Untill later….. waddle on =) mandubob